Homework / Tarea

“Homework” is part of a three-year project called Difference. The through-line of Difference is engaged with diaspora and how an image can articulate the experience of being and connecting in specific contexts. Conceptually, this continues the line of thought I have worked on for the last few years. For the first series of the project, “Homework,” I photographed a series of cardboard sheets of schoolwork on botany that my father did when he was ten. I selected this homework as the center of my project to represent my past and the geography I left behind. Walking through the Canadian autumn landscape and letting the cardboards repeatedly fall behind my camera is the first step of my representation process, dealing with the challenge of moving and adapting to new territories. The second step is the selection of images to create the visual narrative. The third and final step is conceptualizing the exhibition display based on the possibilities of anamorphosis. The apparent size of the images depends on the spectator's position within the gallery analogously to how the perception of the others surrounding us modifies according to the distance we keep from them. The conceptual basis of the images and their display question the level of understanding of the differences surrounding us.

Thanks to the generous support of Ontario Arts Council.

Proyecto apoyado por el Sistema de Apoyos a la Creación y Proyectos Culturales (SACPC)